Our 4th Annual Golf Tournament is FINALLY here – Register NOW!
Save the date and register NOW for our 4th Annual Myrtle Beach Penn State Alumni Chapter Golf Tournament. We have seen the tournament grow year after year when it comes to golfers and sponsors. This golf outing allows us to fundraise for the charities we support and the more successful our organization can be with the tournament the greater our giving can be to the community. It’s always a great day around other members, friends, and family who travel to play in this event. Between the food, drink and on course skill events, everyone goes home a winner.
We are going back to the Hackler Course this year where they treated us like family and welcomed us to their course. As always, we are making adjustments and improvements based on participant feedback and are looking forward to another successful outing.
If you are interested in helping with the planning process or simply have ideas to make this event even better, we encourage you to attend our committee meeting on March 11th @ 6pm at T-Bonz, Myrtle Beach. All are welcome to attend!